It is not a secret that I love Traci’s Pocket Life collections! I use each collection to document a whole month’s worth of unique layouts. One of my favorite parts of the collections are the pocket style cards.
Obviously, the journaling cards are great for writing about the events of the week I want to remember. And, the the title cards are a pretty way to perk up a pocket spread – especially on a photo-light week. But, the cards in the collection can do – and be – so much more! Here are a few of my favorite unique ways to use the pocket style cards in Traci’s monthly collections:
One of my favorite things to do with a journaling card is to make a photo frame out of it. This is super easy to do! I simply open the card I want to work with in Photoshop, select the Magic Wand tool, and then highlight the areas of the card I do (or do not) want to work with. I then often cut and paste (or delete) the parts of the card I want to use in my Layout.
The frame really makes my emphasizes my photo, as well as giving my layout a little extra shape and pzazz.
I often like to extract elements from the cards to use as embellishments on my pages. The process is exactly the same as above! I just opened the card in Photoshop, used the Magic Wand tool to select the areas of the card I wanted to add to my layout, then cut and pasted them onto my page.
Again, this is a great way to add a simple accent to a focal photo in your layout. It is easy to do, and makes a unique statment without adding a thick or chunky frame to your photo.
Title Work!
One final way in which I like to get the most out of Traci’s pocket life collection cards, is to extract some of her clever fontography and quotations from the cards themselves. To be honest, I rarely have a “free” space to use the entire title card. I like to fill my spreads with photos, but I also cannot resist Traci’s title work. I often extract literal elements from the cards to incorporate on my spreads in new and unique ways.
So, as you can see – there are many creative and clever ways to use Traci’s Pocket Life ’15 cards. These are just a few examples of the ways that I’ve incorportated them into the pockets of my pages the past few months. How have you used the cards in creative ways? How can you get the most out of the cards in the collection in your next spread? I encourage you to try some of these simple techniques out to add more fun and style to your next layout!
About the Author: By day, Chrissie (cmkb396) works as a veterinary technician, and by night (when TWD is over) Chrissie will still be working on her (currently six!??!) scrapbooks. She and her husband, Brent, have one Skylander-obsessed-soon-to-be kindergartener, Stefan, and a pack of “fur” kids. You can view her layouts in the gallery at Sweet Shoppe Designs, on Pinterest, or at Scrap Stacks.